Books for Lesotho Inc. traces its history back to 2007 when the founders, David and Liz Linn, started the project with the help of many local people. In December 2015, after 9 years of operations, the organisation was incorporated.
In the Kingdom of Lesotho schooling in Primary years is compulsory. However, the country is very poor such that only very basic teaching materials are provided by the government. Very few schools have anything that might be called a library, let alone a “resource centre”!
The purpose of the project has been to source books suitable to establish libraries in primary and secondary schools. We seek fiction and non-fiction books in GOOD condition over the range of first “baby” books to Year 12. We do not accept text books.
Every year since commencing. there has been a shipment of books – up to 7 pallets at a time. In Lesotho, the project is managed by a local group, Transformation Resource Centre. Together, up to the 2016 shipment (the 10th) we will have shipped and distributed over 102,000 books thereby establishing libraries in over 55 schools and 7 organisations which work with disadvantaged children.
For more information, please check out www.booksforLesotho.org
Opening hours at The Barn – 9.30 am to 12 noon every Wednesday, or by appointment.
Please check on the website for the type of books we need, and deliver them at the above times. Please do NOT leave books outside or at the school.
Contact: David Linn on 0418 877 112 or booksforlesotho@bigpond.com