Vocational education and training (VET) provides opportunities for students to gain skills and knowledge for work through nationally recognised industry-developed accredited courses. VET is delivered, assessed, and certified by registered training organisations (RTOs).

Undertaking a VET course may assist students to explore a variety of career pathways. Students can complete VET qualifications in a diverse range of industries, including business administration, building and construction, or sport and recreation.

Student Pathways Website

Student Pathways Website Springbank Secondary College

Student Pathways takes you from school to the world of work. Explore careers in demand across South Australia, know what to study, connect with employers, and build your CV.

The website is designed to assist students in years 7 to 12 make it easier for them to find their passion and discover exciting career pathways! Student Pathways allows students to record and track their key achievements and experiences while discovering employment and work experience opportunities.


Select the drop down arrows for the answers to the following Frequently Asked Questions.

What is VET?

Vocational Education and Training is industry specific and nationally recognised training that can be undertaken while a student is still at school.

Can VET count toward SACE?

VET Programs are recognised within the SACE, providing credits toward the completion of Stage 1 and/or Stage 2. Please contact Wendy Lowes for more information.


What are the benefits of choosing VET?

• Gaining a nationally recognised qualification whilst completing your SACE
• Getting a head start in your chosen career
• Providing opportunities to learn on-the-job through workplace learning
• Gaining the skills and knowledge that employers are looking for
• Providing pathways to apprenticeships, traineeships, further training or direct employment.

What SACE subjects will compliment my VET program?

A SACE subject highly recommended for VET students is Stage 1 and 2 Workplace Practices. Students who gain the most from this subject are usually involved in a VET program, part time work, apprenticeships or traineeships, volunteering or community work. The course content of Workplace Practices compliments and adds value to what you are learning in your training or other work.

How will my VET Course impact on University and TAFE entry?

Some fully completed VET Courses, at Certificate III level or above, can contribute to your Australian Tertiary Admissions Rank (ATAR). TAFE SA recognises SACE completion as meeting the entry requirements for most of its courses. It also considers a variety of other qualifications (including VET) and experiences in its entry selection processes.

How much will a VET course cost me?

Course costs vary. Your VET Coordinator will provide you with exact costing during the course counselling process.

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