Pathways to Success

Course Length

Full Year

Compulsory or Choice



Year 10



Cross Curriculum (AIF, P2S and EIF)

Course Overview

The Pathways to Success program is compulsory at each year level and is offered as part of the pastoral care program. The aim of the program is to promote skills around the schools three values of: *Respect *Excellence *Integrity. The program is also intended to support the wellbeing of our students from a holistic viewpoint. There are a range of programs at each year level which are adapted to fit the personal and developmental needs of the students, delivered weekly with the support of the Care Group Teachers. 

P2S includes a comprehensive educational program based on the Australian Curriculum, including content from the Health and PE strand, Personal and Community Health, the South Australian Keeping Safe: Child Protection Curriculum and SHINESA programs. These programs allow students to build on their knowledge of positive relationships and safe behaviours. Students will develop a sense of their own self-worth, confidence and build their understanding of their rights and responsibilities, as well as learning about sexual and reproductive health. 

The Senior School program reflects differing needs and developmental levels, such as exploring road safety awareness, career planning and time management planning.

Teacher Information

Care Group Teacher

Pathways for Cross Curriculum (AIF, P2S and EIF)

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Year 10 - Pathways to Success
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