English Literacy Studies

Course Length

Full Year

Compulsory or Choice



Stage 2


Year 11 English



SACE Credits

20 credits

Course Overview

Critical interpretation of texts; sustaining a reasoned critical argument.
Power of language to represent ideas, perspectives and values.
Creativity and craft of authors as basis for their own use of English.
Understanding intertextuality.


Knowledge and Understanding; Analysis; and Application
•    Responding to Texts (50%)
- Up to five responses to texts: oral, written or multimodal.
•    Creating Texts (20%)
- Two written, oral and/or multimodal texts including one transformative text.
•    Comparative Text Study (30%)
- Part A: Comparative essay in written form (15%)
- Part B: Examination (90 minutes): Critical reading of one or more short texts (15%)

Teacher Information

English Literacy Studies Teacher

Pathways for English

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Stage 2 - English Literacy Studies
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