Visual Arts - Art

Course Length

Full Year

Compulsory or Choice



Stage 2


Successful completion of Year 11 Visual Arts A and B or teacher recommendation.


The Arts

SACE Credits

20 credits

Course Overview

Students express ideas through practical work using drawings, photographs, models and visual media and techniques 2D or 3D, leading to resolved pieces. They have opportunities to research, understand and reflect upon visual artworks in their cultural and historical settings.

This SACE Stage 2 course has been divided into 3 sections, dictated by the SACE Board syllabus.

The folio is a body of work consisting of 40 A3 sheets of visual ideas, drawings, paintings and sketches working towards two final pieces of artwork - 40%.

Two major artworks - Using the folio ideas, drawings and paintings students create two final resolved piece of artwork. Two written practitioner’s statement accompanies the artworks - 30% (1,000 words max.)

The visual study is an in-depth illustrated investigation of an aspect of Art. 20 A3 pages and 2,000 words, 30% of the year’s work and is externally moderated and collected at the end of Term 2.

Students are expected to pay for materials used in excess of the standard course allowance.


Ongoing throughout the year with a 30% external moderation for Visual Study. All parts of the course are subject to moderation by the SACE Board.

Teacher Information

Visual Arts Teacher

Pathways for The Arts

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Stage 2 - Visual Arts - Art
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