Course Length

Full Year

Compulsory or Choice



Year 9



Humanities and Social Sciences

Course Overview

Year 9 Geography students explain how geographical processes change the characteristics of places. They analyse interconnections between people, places and environments and explain how these interconnections influence people and change places and environments. They predict changes in the characteristics of places over time and identify the possible implications of change for the future. Students 

analyse alternative strategies to a geographical challenge using environmental, social and economic criteria. 

Students will study the following:
•    Distribution and characteristics of biomes as regions with distinctive climates, soils, vegetation and productivity
•    Environmental, economic and technological factors that influence crop yields in Australia and across the world

Year 9 History students refer to key events and the actions of individuals and groups to explain patterns of change and continuity over time. They analyse the causes and effects of events and developments and make judgments about their importance. They explain the motives and actions of people at the time. Students explain the significance of these events and developments over the short and long term. They explain different interpretations of the past.
Students will study the following:
•    The industrial revolution
•    Great Bengal famine of 1770

Year 9 Civics and Citizenship students evaluate features of Australia’s political system and identify and analyse the influences on people’s political choices. They explain the key principles of Australia’s system of justice and analyse the role of Australia’s court system. They analyse a range of factors that influence identities and attitudes to diversity. They reflect on how groups participate and contribute to civic life. 
Students will study the following:
•    What factors influence Australian democracy
•    How the media portrays and influences political issues

Year 9 Enterprise and Business students explain the role of the Australian economy in allocating and distributing resources and analyse the interdependence of participants in the global economy. They explain the importance of managing financial risks and rewards and analyse the different strategies that may be used. They explain why businesses seek to create a competitive advantage, including through innovation, and evaluate the strategies that may be used. Students analyse the roles and responsibilities of participants in the workplace.

Students will study the following:
•    Australia as a trading nation and its place within the rising economies of Asia and broader global economy
•    Why and how participants in the global economy are dependent on each other


Students will be assessed using the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standard.

Pathways for Humanities and Social Sciences

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Year 9 - HASS
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