Visual Arts

Course Length

1 Semester

Compulsory or Choice



Year 7



The Arts

Course Overview

This course is an introduction to the practice of making visual artworks and incorporates elements of design. Students have the ability to explore, make and respond to artworks. This practical oriented course will include the development of skills and techniques in areas such as painting, drawing, printmaking, clay and design.
The course will provide opportunities for students to develop:
•    critical and creative thinking using visual arts language 
•    various problem solving strategies and idea development processes
•    knowledge and analysis of art and artists from a historical, contemporary and cultural view
•    confidence, imagination and enjoyment when making artworks
•    prepare work for display and understand processes of exhibiting work
•    an understanding of the arts industry


•    Folio of developmental practical work and final pieces.
•    Research and theory work.

Teacher Information

Visual Arts Teacher

Pathways for The Arts

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Subject added

Year 7 - Visual Arts
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